Scrambled eggs, cheese grits, bacon, and cinnamon rolls – my breakfast almost every Saturday for over eighteen years. Mom and Dad would wake up and head to the kitchen, and as my sisters and I stirred from our weekend slumber, we would join them in the kitchen to help cook, goof off, and visit. We got older and grew up, but this tradition stayed the same. From sleepovers to hangovers, breakfast at ...
Get to Know: Ellen
My great-grandmother MeMaw passed away this year, one week shy of her 96th birthday. The loss of her presence here on this earth is felt deeply, but her funeral service was a testament to her life in general -- more celebration than sadness. Reflection on my time with her (spent largely in her kitchen or at her table) has awakened me to how much I take for granted. So many aspects of my family ...
Get to Know: Mary Parker
A plate of freshly sliced tomatoes from the garden with a little salt and pepper were a staple at lunchtime for me growing up. This may not be every child’s favorite dish, but it will always remind me of my childhood. Every summer, I helped my grandfather plant his garden and then helped pick the fresh vegetables off the vines once ripe. I would take the tomatoes, corn, squash, and cucumbers ...